Two easy to make and use completely natural products!
Grape flesh face firmer Lettuce softening tonic
Grapes contain natural antioxidents and Lettuce has an amazing ability to soften the
exfoliants. Applying it to the face can leave skin. This product is good to apply after
it feeling ultra-silky and firm. The fruit acids cleansing or any time that your skin is in need
have an exfoliating effect and brighten the skin. of refreshing and revitalising.
What you need: What you need:
8 small grapes 300ml (1/2 pint) of rosewater
1 head of lettuce, chopped
Method and application: Method and application:
Split and skin the grapes, remove the pipes. Heat the rosewater until boiling. Pour over the
Mash the flesh to a pulp and apply to the skin chopped lettuce and steep for a few hours. Strain
avoiding the mouth and eyes. Leave on for the liquid through a sieve and pour into a clean
approximately 10-15 minutes. You may feel bottle and seal. Once it has cooled down it is
some tingling but this is just your skin being ready to be used. Apply with cotton wool pads.
refreshed and cooled. Rinse off with warm
water, dry and moisturise as usual.
So there you go, two really easy to make products, and they cost so little!!
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